Thursday, October 3, 2013

[Download] Cultural Intelligence & Modern Management (T)

Cultural Intelligence & Modern Management (T)

Code : 11251-8



Products Description : Cultural Intelligence & Modern Management (T)


E-book from the authors of the Ten3 BUSINESS e-COACH - the New Wonder of the World!

This e-book is not about skin-deep "how-to" guides. It is about inspiration and innovation.
Discover hidden resources and capabilities within complex social and business systems!

Insightful guide x Inspirational presentation x Easy navigation enabled by high technology


1. Eastern vs. Western Philosophy

2. Achievement Management

3. Managing Cross-cultural Differences

4. Organizational Culture

5. New Management Models from Different Cultures

6. An Overview of World Cultures, Philosophies, and Religions.

The Teaching set contains:
* E-book

* 40+ PowerPoint slides, and

* Licence to use them for teaching purposes.

Cultural Intelligence & Modern Management (T)

Product Details : Cultural Intelligence & Modern Management (T)

TABLE OF CONTENTS. SOUTH AFRICA - CULTURAL DIVERSITY 2. UNDERSTANDING CULTURE 4 2.1 Cultural Dimensions Model 4 2.2 Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges - case ,Elisabeth Plum's blog CI Cultural Intelligence. Cultural Intelligence (CI) is the ability to bridge and benefit from the cultural complexity of people with different ,1 Définitions historiques; 2 Intelligence et cultures. 2.1 Cultures africaines; 2.2 Culture musulmane; 2.3 Cultures occidentales. 2.3.1 L'intelligence en philosophie,A human-centred approach to social innovation & service improvement. in the east of england,Le concept d'intelligence culturelle ne recouvre pas celui d'intelligence interculturelle, tel que nous le concevons dans ce blog. Il nous parait néanmoins important.,About Us. The Cultural Intelligence Center (CQC) is dedicated to improving the understanding of Cultural Intelligence (CQ). It is led by Dr. David Livermore and Dr ,L'Intelligence Culturelle (Cultural Intelligence) (QC) est la capacité de faire face aux cultures nationales, d'entreprises et professionnelles comme décrit par ,Cultural Intelligence This work provides a practical, down-to-earth approach for Westerners needing to enhance their work skills with immigrants and foreign employees ,Cultural Intelligence, cultural quotient or CQ, is a term used in both business and government. Cultural intelligence can be understood as the recognizing and ,Understanding and Enhancing Cultural Intelligence Gain the Cultural Intelligence Difference. Cultural intelligence (CQ) is a consistent predictor of performance



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